About AgriSURE
Hon'ble Finance Minister, in the Budget speech of 2022-23, announced that, "A Fund with blended capital, raised under the co-investment model, will be facilitated through NABARD. This is to finance Start-ups for agriculture & rural enterprise, relevant for farm produce value chain. The activities for these Start-ups will include, inter alia, support for FPOs, machinery for farmers on rental basis at farm level, and technology including IT-based support."
In this background, a Fund, viz., AgriSURE – 'Agri Fund for Start Ups & Rural Enterprises' is set up to support innovative, technology driven, high-risk, high-impact activities in agriculture and rural Start-ups ecosystem. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW) Government of India (GOI) and NABARD are sponsoring agencies for the Fund. The Fund is registered as a Category-II Alternative Investment Fund with SEBI
FoF Scheme
Corpus ₹450 crore
The Scheme is oriented towards providing funding support to the AIFs for onward investments in Start-ups (as defined by the Government of India) in its preferred sectors.
Direct Scheme
Corpus ₹300 crore
The Scheme aims to invest in early-stage Start-ups focused on agriculture and rural development opportunities. It specifically focuses on investing in early-stage Start-ups that address challenges and create opportunities in the agriculture and rural sector of India.
Key Features:
Total Corpus: ₹750 crore.
Contributions: ₹250 crore each from the Government of India and NABARD, with an additional ₹250 crore to be mobilized from other institutions including private investors.
Investment Focus: The Fund intends to invest in Sector Specific AIFs, Sector Agnostic AIFs, Debt AIFs and Direct Equity Investment in Start-ups.
Duration :The duration of the Fund will be 10 years from the date of inception of the Fund, extendable by two years.
Target Beneficiaries : Target beneficiaries will include Start-ups working in agriculture and rural development sector and will include, but not limited to, Agritech, Food Processing, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Supply Chain Management, Farm Mechanisation, Biotechnology, Waste Management, Renewable energy, Agri Value Chain including Primary Cooperative Societies development, Support for FPOs, Technology support at Farm level and Climate change.
Other Information
- Agri-SURE Fund will follow the extant SEBI guidelines while providing support to Agri/rural start-ups and the Private Placement Memorandum(s) of the Fund.
- Merely qualifying the criteria does not guarantee sanction of contribution /investment to the AIFs / Start-ups.
- The investment will be considered from the Fund based on the merits of the case and the decision of the Investment Manager shall be final in this regard.
- Start-ups or AIFs desirous of seeking investment/contribution may reach out to the Investment Manager of the Fund at agrisure@nabard.org
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